Stores on Qian Qiu Street, Da Dao Chen
This ancient monument appointed by direct municipality is located on Quei Te Street, Da Tong District. It was build from the end of Qin Dynasty to the early of Japanese reign, continuing a constructive feature of the Jian Chang and Qian Qiu Streets which were founded during Liu Ming-Chuan ruling Taiwan. Dadaochen Church of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan This ancient monument ranked by direct municipality was founded by Lee Chun-Sen, the “Father of Taiwan Tea” and the “Pioneer of Taiwan Industry”, who donated lands to construct the unique culture building facing on the east, and on the west, was the altar set in compliance with the direction of the Church then. Railway Department of the Traffic Bureau of the Taiwan Governor House It was built by Liu Ming-Chuan in 1887 and ranked as the third-degree ancient monument. Its architectural style was adopting a composite process blending bricks with the wood that was rather fashionable in the 19th century England. Inheriting Tudor's architectural model, this building was closely linked with traffic history of the Taiwan railways. The Original Police Bureau in the north of Taiwan(now the Da Tong Precinct) This ancient monument ranked by direct municipality was a police department solely survived from the 30s in Taipei, with a value to witness the era, especially in the precinct, still preserved the detention jail and water dungeon built then, demonstrating a special space of the police station. Chen Te-Sin Hall This third-degree ancient monument is the Chen's clan shrine in Taipei Area. Chen Yue-Gi Ancestral House (Teacher's House) This third-degree ancient monument used to be lived by teacher Chen Wei-Yin, a soul character in Da Long Dong Area then.
Stores on Qian Qiu Street, Da Dao Chen